Thursday, July 5, 2012

Greetings from Ghettodise

Hey Friends,
  For several years I've been posting in the lazy girls blog AKA Facebook.  Here lately I've noticed none of my posts are visible to anyone but me.  In the past I've toyed with the idea of a proper blog but questioned do I want to dedicate the time?  Now that I'm essentially ostracized on FB I've decided to give it a go.

  So, the name?  A lot of you know about "the Wayback", the property we own behind our house, I sometimes refer to as "Ghettodise".  Our neighborhood, to put it mildly, is "transitional".  WE'VE always seen the potential here.  We are just waiting for the property values to catch up.

  And quesadillas?  Well, I have a fantasy.  It involves me floating in the pool while Ernesto fixes quesadillas in our poolside cabana.  So far the parts of that fantasy that are in place; Ernesto, check, pool, check, cabana, well, that is our next project looming...

  And, the intent of this blog; documenting our day-to-day lives, projects, travels, accomplishemnts etc...

 I hope you enjoy, and I will try not to be boring or negative. Not sure how regular I'll be.  I won't post unless it's worth posting about (IMHO).  So, here we go!


  1. I feel honored to read your blog. Thank you!!!!

  2. You go, girl. I, for one, will be reading your beautiful blog every time you post!
